Social Capital as the Basis for the Developmental Movement of the Independent Village and Integrated Honey Village

Social Reality Study Based of Community in the District of North Sangatta, East Kutai Regency, of Indonesia


  • Teddy Febrian University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • I Made Weni University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Praptining Sukowati University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Social capital, Development, Region, Community


Social capital has become a determinant for uneven regional development. Social capital is very much needed in development, be it human development and social, culture and economic. Social capital such as trust, social networks and norms/values of community ??have developed and become a factor that has a direct and important impact on regional development. This dissertation research was carried out in order to identify and analyze social capital as a foundation of development in the Sangatta city, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province to know the supporting factors and constraints of development in the Sangatta city. The approach of this research is descriptive qualitative, it is designed to gather information about real situations that are in progress. Data analysis technique that will be used in qualitative research is data analysis according to Moleong which is focused during the process in the field together with data collection. Development Movement of the Independent Village and Integrated (Gerbang Desa Madu) has succeeded in strengthening social capital and creating social integration in Sangatta East Kutai Regency. Community trust in regional development based on social reality shows strong support seen from the development of facilities and access to education, health, clean water and electricity. Norms and social networks that develop in the community are formed from the diversity of ethnic groups or regional origins, culture and religion, so that the complexity has also formed social networks based on kinship, neighborliness and friendship in harmony on support of regional development. The supporting factor for regional development in the area of ??North Sangatta District is having a wealth of natural and human resources. Human resources related to social life have given rise to high social capital. Then the inhibiting factors of regional development are the limited regional development budget and the problem of utilizing natural resources and maintaining the quality of the environment.


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How to Cite

Febrian, T. ., Weni, I. M. ., & Praptining Sukowati. (2021). Social Capital as the Basis for the Developmental Movement of the Independent Village and Integrated Honey Village : Social Reality Study Based of Community in the District of North Sangatta, East Kutai Regency, of Indonesia. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 2(3), 44–53.


